About Me

Name: Caitlin Castle
Age: 18
Birthday: January 2nd
Favorite Colors: Coral
Favorite Word: "Dream"
Favorite Foods: Cookie Dough, Brownie Batter, Ice Cream.
Favorite Animal: Bunny
Pets: 2 dogs (Milo & Zoey), one bunny (Hershey), and one bird (Sol)
Good Quality: I'm pretty much always smiling.
Bad Quality: I am really really disorganized with school work and stuff.
Hobbies: Singing, dancing, acting, reading, writing, finding new music, daydreaming, collecting things and IDOLS. <3
Favorite Subject: English
Least Favorite Subject: Science

Fun Facts:

  • I want a career that has to do with the performance world, even if I am not necessarily the one performing
  • I'm was on the Varsity Dance Team at my high school.
  • I adore the Hello!Project, and my favorite group is C-ute!
  • My favorite Japanese Idol is Airi Suzuki, and it always will be. No contest.
  • When I get an idea, it's suddenly all I can think about and work at.
  • I'm very hyper.
  • My weaknesses are sweet foods and cute things.